Bids for basic services in field A - studies, assistance and inspection
A100: Site visit and inventory.
A110: Historical, documentary and memorial studies.
A120: Environmental vulnerability study.
A130 : Drawing up a provisional program of investigations.
A200: On-site investigations: soil sampling, measurements, observations and/or analyses.
A210: On-site investigations: sampling, measurement, observation and/or analysis of groundwater.
A220: On-site investigations: sampling, measurement, observation and/or analysis of surface water and/or sediments.
A230: On-site investigations: sampling, measurement, observation and/or analysis of soil gases.
A240: On-site investigations: sampling, measurement, observation and/or analysis of ambient air and atmospheric dust.
A250: On-site investigations: sampling, measurement, observation and/or analysis of foodstuffs and/or tap water.
A260 : Samples, measurements, observations and/or analyses of excavated soil.
A270 : Interpretation of investigation results.
A300: Analysis of water resource issues.
A310: Analysis of environmental resource issues.
A320: Analysis of health issues: health risk assessment (HRA) approach.
A330: Identification of possible management options and cost/benefit analysis
A400: File on restrictions on use and easements
Offers of basic services in field B - engineering of remediation work :
B111 : Laboratory tests
B112 : Field tests
B120: Pre-project studies
B130: Project studies
B200 : Preparation of administrative files
B310: Assistance with works contracts
B320 : Supervision of work execution
B330 : Assistance with acceptance operations
Historical, documentary and memorial studies: Historical studies are the first stage in any study of polluted sites and soils. Their aim is to reconstruct, through the history of the site's industrial and environmental practices, both the potentially polluted areas and the types of pollutants potentially present at the site.
Environmental vulnerability study: The aim of this study is to characterize environments and pollution. The aim is to identify the possibilities for migration and transfer of pollution, as well as the uses of the environments concerned.
Conceptual diagram: The aim of the conceptual diagram is to identify pollution sources, transfer routes and potential targets. The conceptual diagram provides a factual assessment of the state of the environment, and enables us to understand the relationships between pollution sources, transfer routes and the issues to be protected. It is a diagram that is bound to evolve as knowledge is acquired. It is the conclusion of each stage in the process of dealing with polluted sites and soils.
Health risks : Use of scientific facts to define the health effects of exposure of individuals or populations to hazardous substances.
Residual Risk Analysis (RRA) - Quantitative Health Risk Assessment (QHRA) - Health Risk Assessment (HRA ): This involves empirically estimating the levels of risk to human health using various calculation models. Reference values are continually updated in line with the scientific community's evolving knowledge.
Sensitive establishments : establishments for children and/or teenagers (day nurseries, nursery and elementary schools, secondary schools, establishments for disabled children, public or private vocational training establishments for young people) where it is necessary to implement a policy of environmental anticipation rather than prevention of a proven risk. This approach is enshrined in article 43 of the French Environment Round Table Implementation Act no. 2009-967 of August 3, 2009.
INFOS : Bibliographical service enabling us to retrace the history of a site and the vulnerability of the environment in order to determine, through a conceptual diagram, whether or not it is necessary to carry out field investigations. If investigations are required, they must be determined at this stage.
Restrictions on use applicable to polluted sites and soils: when remediation is impossible, either for technical or financial reasons, restrictions on use are enacted to restrict such use. These may take the form of public utility servitudes (SUP), public information notices (PAC), projects of general interest (PIG), contractual restrictions on use in favor of the State (RUCPE) or restrictions on use between parties (RUP).
Environmental diagnosis (DIAG): implementation of a program of investigations into environments likely to be impacted by pollution, and interpretation of the results using a conceptual diagram.
Levée de doute (LEVE): service designed to identify whether or not a site falls within the scope of the national methodology for managing polluted sites and soils. This type of service is carried out on sites that are not considered to be polluted.
Excavated soil management plan: a land area is divided into grids of the same surface area, and the soil is systematically analyzed according to either lithology or depth, in order to determine, by grid and lithology or depth, the most appropriate outlet for the soil during earthworks.
Interpretation of the state of the environment (IEM): an IEM is dedicated solely to sanitary aspects. Environmental degradation caused by pollutants is analyzed in terms of health consequences. This process is carried out when uses have been established, i.e. generally when pollution generated on an industrial site affects the surrounding area (agricultural zone, urban zone, recreational zone, etc.).
Étude d'impact sur l'environnement (EIE) : or environmental impact study, is a study carried out prior to the implementation of development or equipment programs or plans, to estimate their probable effects on the environment.
Project management assistance: A project management assistant is a professional involved in the act of building. Their role is to help the client define, manage and operate the project, providing advice, assistance and proposals, while the client remains the decision-maker.
Industrial wasteland: An industrial wasteland is land that has been abandoned following the cessation of industrial activity. It often has a negative impact on the environment (pollution or deterioration of installations).
Fonds friches (wasteland fund): within the framework of the Fonds pour le recyclage des friches (wasteland recycling fund), a wasteland is considered to be: any bare plot of land that has already been artificially developed and has lost its use or purpose; a block of housing, business or mixed-use land that has been built on and is characterized by significant vacancy or is in need of redevelopment.
Management plan (PG): A management plan is required when pollution has been identified and no simple management measures can be implemented. The aim is to set rehabilitation targets and estimate the impact of removing the pollution.
Geological study: A geological study of environmental pollution enables us to determine the quality of the medium: porosity, permeability, Ph, quantity of organic matter content, water content, presence of bacteria...
Hydrogeological study: is the science that studies groundwater through aquifers. Hydrogeology deals with the distribution and circulation of groundwater in soil and rocks, taking into account their interactions with geological conditions and surface water.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING (MONITORING ): generally after a remediation operation, the state of the environment (air or water) is monitored at specific intervals (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually) to check that the source remediation has been effective.
Bilan quadriennal (BQ ): carried out after four years of environmental monitoring to determine the need to continue, adapt or discontinue monitoring.
Control (CONT): control carried out by an independent entity to verify the conformity of investigation, monitoring or remediation work carried out by another company.
Expertise (XPER): critical review of contaminated site and soil files.
VERIF or DUE DILIGENCE: assessment of a site's environmental liabilities as part of a sale/acquisition by a company and/or a third party wishing to assess these liabilities (insurer, bank, future shareholder, etc.).
AMO Travaux: Project management assistance during the construction phase. The AMO's role is to help the project owner define and manage the project, providing advice and/or assistance and making proposals, with the decision remaining with the project owner.
Work design plan (PCT): the aim of this plan is to confirm the management options retained in the management plan (PG) in terms of technical and financial feasibility, as well as the dimensions of the work. This service can be provided by a design office or a works company.
Project management during the works phase (MOE) : the MOE verifies that the works have been carried out correctly, and in particular that the clean-up objectives have been met.
Système d'Information sur les Sols - SIS (Soil Information System) : any site whose pollution is likely to present a risk for future uses, i.e. generally polluted ICPEs, polluted ICPE Defense, mining sites, landfills without SUP, radiological sites, etc. The aim of the SIS is to publish a single, exhaustive list of polluted sites, the remediation of which will be the responsibility of the applicant for a building or development permit.
ADEME: Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise d'Énergie (French Environment and Energy Management Agency)
AEP: Alimentation en Eau Potable (drinking water supply)
AFNOR: Association Française de la NORmalisation (French Association for Standardization)
AIPR: Autorisation d'Intervention à Proximité des Réseaux (Authorization for work near networks)
AMO: Assistance à Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (Project Management Assistance)
ARR: Analyse des Risques Résiduels (Residual Risk Analysis)
ARS : Regional Health Agency
ASPITET: Apport d'une Stratification Pédologique à l'Interprétation des Teneurs en Éléments Traces (Pedological stratification contribution to the interpretation of trace element content)
ATSDR: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registery
BTEX: Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes
CAP: Certificat d'Acceptation Préalable (preliminary acceptance certificate)
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
CIRE: Cellule Interrégionale d'Epidémiologie (Inter-regional Epidemiology Unit)
COFRAC: Comité Français d'Accréditation (French Accreditation Committee)
VOC: Volatile Organic Halogenated Compound
TOC: Total Organic Carbon
CPIS: Conception d'un Programme d'Investigations et de Surveillance (Design of an Investigation and Monitoring Program)
DAP: Demande d'Acceptation Préalable (preliminary acceptance request)
DCE : Water Framework Directive / DCE : Dossier de consultation des entreprises
DDAE: Dossier de Demande d'Autorisation d'Exploiter (Request for Authorization to Operate File)
DGPR: Direction Générale de la Prévention et des Risques (Prevention and Risks Department)
DGS: Direction Générale de la Santé (Health Department)
DPRI : Professions Réglementées de l'Immobilier
DREAL: Direction Régionale de l'Environnement de l'Aménagement et du Logement (Regional Department for the Environment, Planning and Housing)
ENG: Estimate based on General Leveling
EPD: Estimate according to Master Plan
ERI: Excess Individual Risk
ERS: Évaluation des Risques Sanitaires (Health Risk Assessment)
EVAL: Environmental Assessment
HAP: Hydrocarbure Aromatique Polycyclique (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon)
HCSP: Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique (High Council for Public Health)
HCT: Total HydroCarbons
ICPE: Installation Classée pour la Protection de l'Environnement (Classified Installation for Environmental Protection)
IEM: Interprétation de l'état des Milieux (Interpretation of the state of the environment)
IGN: Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière (French National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information)
IO: Indice Organoleptique / IODP: Indice Organoleptique De Pollution
INERIS: Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks)
INRA: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (French National Institute for Agronomic Research)
INRS: Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité (French National Research and Safety Institute) InVS: Institut de Veille Sanitaire (French Health Watch Institute)
IRSN: Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety)
LEVE: "Levée de doute" service
LNE: Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais (French national metrology and testing laboratory)
MEDDE: French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
ml: linear meter
MT: Metals
DTM: Digital Terrain Model
NGF: Nivellement Géographique de la France (Geographic levelling of France)
NQE: Environmental Quality Standard
NRF: Nivellement général de la France (General levelling of France)
WHO: World Health Organization
PCB: Polychlorobiphenyls
PCE : PerChloroethylene (Tetrachloroethylene)
PG: Plan de Gestion (Management Plan)
PLU : Local Urban Development Plan
PNSE: National Environmental Health Plan
DQ: Danger Quotient
RIPA: Réseau des Intervenants en situation Post Accidentelle (Post Accident Intervention Network)
RIVM : RijksInstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
RNG: Raccordé au Nivellement Général (Connected to General Levelling)
SIS: Secteur d'Information sur les Sols (Soil Information Sector)
SSP: Sites et Sols Pollués (Polluted Sites and Soils)
TCE: Trichloroethylene
TN: Terrain naturel
TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
US EPA: United State Environmental Protection Agency
TRV: Toxicological Reference Value
ZH: Zone Humide (wetlands)
ZNIEFF: Natural Zone of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest