Letourneur Conseil > Company > The company

Our areas of expertise

We operate in three main sectors

  • Soil and other environmental diagnostics (ground and surface water, ambient air and soil gas, foodstuffs, etc.) in terms of pollution:

Since the publication of the national methodology for polluted sites and soils, and the entry into force of article 173 of the ALUR law, which stipulates that “it is compulsory to inform the purchaser of any soil pollution in all properties, whether or not they have hosted an Installation Classée pour la Protection de l'Environnement”, the Letourneur Conseil consultancy has been handling a large number of files in the field of polluted sites and soils, becoming a preferred contact for project owners.

With LNE SSP domaines A & B certification, services are provided in accordance with the NFX 31-620 standard. These services can be divided into two categories:

Global offers, containing several basic services such as INFO, DIAG, Plan de Gestion (PG), Interprétation de l'Etat des Milieux (IEM), Plan de Conception des Travaux (PCT), Assistance à Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (AMO), Maîtrise d'Oeuvre d'Exécution (MOE), etc.
Basic type A services (soil, soil gas, groundwater and ambient air diagnostics, health risk assessment (ERS), etc.) and type B services (field tests, assistance with works contracts, works supervision, etc.).

With the regulatory certification known as domain D or ATTESTATION, Letourneur Conseil provides attestations that soil and groundwater pollution management measures have been taken into account in the design of construction or development projects, and drafts the PC16-5 and PC16-6 documents required for building permits.

In the field of water management, Letourneur Conseil prepares water law files in accordance with Articles L.214-1 to L.214-6 of the French Environment Code, the Water Act of January 3, 1992 and the Water and Aquatic Environments Act of December 30, 2006.

Water, as the nation's common heritage, must be protected. The aim of this legislation is “balanced and sustainable management of water resources”, taking into account the need to adapt to climate change. Water law dossiers are drawn up whenever a project has a direct or indirect impact on the aquatic environment: rivers, lakes, groundwater, flood zones, wetlands, etc. They submit the project to the Water Police for authorization.

In the field of ICPEs, Letourneur Conseil intervenes either in the event of an accident generating accidental pollution, or in the context of the cessation of activity, or in the event of a total or partial takeover (DUE Diligence) of an industrial site.

All these skills are used to carry out, in particular:

For facilities classified for environmental protection, some of which are classified as SEVESO, closure dossiers, environmental monitoring, quadrennial assessments....

During land acquisitions, polluted sites and soils services, from documentary research to management plans,

On sites to be rehabilitated, project management for decontamination,

Water law files: stormwater management, lowering the water table, construction in flood-prone areas, destruction of wetlands, etc.