The second stage of the environmental diagnosis of polluted sites and soils involves implementing an investigation program and interpreting the results, corresponding to the overall DIAG and VERIF phase 2 assignments (formerly EVAL phase 2 or CPIS). The objectives of these missions are to identify and characterize potential sources of pollution, identify pollution transfer vectors and determine the risks of exposure to populations. To achieve this, several basic services are carried out: - Sampling, observation and analysis of relevant media: soil (A200), groundwater (A210), surface water and sediments (A220), soil gas (A230), ambient air and atmospheric dust (A240), foodstuffs (A250), excavated soil (A260) - Interpretation of investigation results (A270), including :
An analysis of the results in relation to the risks to human health and, if applicable, to the acceptance criteria for off-site excavated soil, A map of anomalies, A conceptual diagram, Conclusions on health compatibility with, if applicable, recommendations for further investigations to determine the extent of the pollution and to propose the implementation of proportionate means to treat the affected environments within the framework of a management plan (PG) or an interpretation of the state of the environment (IEM).