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Environmental consultancy: contact

Because, in a context of increasing urbanization, the protection of mankind cannot be dissociated from the protection of the environment, Letourneur Conseil provides expertise and solutions adapted to pollution problems through personalized assistance in identifying and studying site pollution, as well as monitoring pollution clean-up work throughout France, thanks to a team of multidisciplinary engineers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by filling in the form below.

  • Letourneur Conseil

  • 103 avenue Félix Faure
    75015 Paris France

  • 01 78 16 45 10

Polluted sites and soils

In 1996, the French Ministry of the Environment gave the following definition of a polluted site: a polluted site is a site which, due to former waste deposits or infiltration of polluting substances, presents a pollution likely to cause a nuisance or a risk for people or the environment.

Pollution management

In order to respect the overall economics of their projects and optimize their costs, project owners have a growing need to rely on quality partners in the fields of pollution control project management assistance (AMO) and pollution control project management (MOE).

Water management

European regulations require that good water status be achieved by 2015. This means that works and activities with an impact on aquatic environments must be designed and managed to respect the balance and uses of water.


Sites classified as ICPE (Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement) or IOTA (Installations, Ouvrages, Travaux, Activités) are subject to specific procedures, as they are likely to have an impact on the environment through soil, air and water pollution.