Different ICPE regimes exist, depending on the risks generated for the environment. These range from the declaration regime for a low-impact ICPE to the SEVESO high threshold authorization regime for an ICPE with a high risk of environmental impact. Intermediate regimes are the registration regime for ICPEs with a high environmental impact and easily standardized requirements, and the simple authorization regime for ICPEs with a high environmental impact.
Classification depends on the ICPE nomenclature.
This nomenclature is based on two main criteria:
- Products and substances stored (quantity, hazardousness, etc.),
- Nature and size of business (chemical, pharmaceutical, waste, metalworking, woodworking, etc.).
In the case of these ICPEs, the State, through the DRIEE and DREAL, will monitor the activity throughout its life. Of course, the involvement of the State in monitoring depends on the classification of the ICPE. When the activity ceases, the operator must inform the Prefect 1 month in advance for ICPEs subject to declaration, and 3 months in advance for other ICPEs, except for waste storage sites and quarries, for which the period is extended to 6 months. The operator is then required to place the site in such a condition that it cannot adversely affect protected interests (environment and health), in accordance with the national "polluted sites and soils" method, and to rehabilitate the land for future use. Indeed, depending on the opening date and the regime, reclamation may be either for an identical use or for a more restrictive one.
In such cases, the DREAL and DRIEE are responsible for :
- ensure that the operator meets its regulatory obligations when the site closes;
- set any SUPs in the event of residual pollution;
- propose SIS registration;
- issue an opinion on building permit applications.
For the record, control of activities not classified as ICPE is the responsibility of the local mayor.