Letourneur Conseil > SSP - A120

Environmental vulnerability study - Mission A120

The purpose of the vulnerability study is to assess the vulnerability and sensitivity of the site and its surroundings to potential pollution. This study identifies potential pollution transfers and environmental uses (housing, agricultural areas, land use, AEP catchment). This research will be completed by site visits.

The environmental context is studied in several areas:

- Climatology, in particular to determine wind direction and whether an ICPE is located upstream or downstream;

- Geomorphology and topography to study the direction of surface water flow;

- Geology, to identify the geological formations present at the site, and consequently the permeability of the soils;

- Hydrogeology, to study the presence of groundwater at the site, its depth and direction of flow;

- Hydrology, in order to identify watercourses and bodies of water, fishing zones and bathing areas in the vicinity of the site.

In addition, it is important to check whether the study site is located in natural protection zones (ZNIEFF, NATURA 2000, wetlands) that are part of the issues to be protected and/or zones subject to natural hazards (clay shrinkage/swelling, flood zones, etc.).