Letourneur Conseil > SSP - A110

Historical, documentary and memorial studies of the site - Mission A110

The aim of the historical and documentary studies is to reconstruct, through history, the industrial practices and activities of the study site.

This information is used to list, locate and identify potentially polluted areas, and to determine the types of pollutants potentially present in the environment (soil, groundwater, soil gas, etc.) around the site.

Various types of services are consulted to gather useful and relevant information for historical studies, such as :

Â- BASOL (Database of polluted or potentially polluted sites and soils), BASIAS (Database of Former Industrial Sites and Service Activities) and SIS (Soil Information Sectors) databases;

  • IGN aerial photographs;
  • Consultation of government departments: prefectures, DREAL, ARS, archives and town halls.

Historical studies also include the study area's surroundings, in order to identify Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement (ICPE) in the vicinity of the study site.

The search for activities likely to have induced pollution, whether directly on site or indirectly through migration from the site's surroundings, will therefore extend beyond the boundaries of the study area.

Historical studies can also be used to identify any restrictions or constraints on use that may have been imposed on the site.