Letourneur Conseil is an environmental engineering consultancy combining field experience and scientific minds. Letourneur Conseil was founded in 2001 by Martine Letourneur, a former independent consultant.

Our main areas of expertise are contaminated sites and soils (SSP), water management and ICPEs (industrial installations for the protection of the environment) for private and public sector clients.

These skills are complemented by additional assets:

  • Flexibility due to the size of our structure,
  • Total independence from downstream project partners.

Polluted sites and soils

In 1996, the French Ministry of the Environment gave the following definition of a polluted site: a polluted site is a site which, due to former waste deposits or infiltration of polluting substances, presents a pollution likely to cause a nuisance or a risk for people or the environment.

Pollution management

In order to respect the overall economics of their projects and optimize their costs, project owners have a growing need to rely on quality partners in the fields of pollution control project management assistance (AMO) and pollution control project management (MOE).

Water management

European regulations require that good water status be achieved by 2015. This means that works and activities with an impact on aquatic environments must be designed and managed to respect the balance and uses of water.


Sites classified as ICPE (Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement) or IOTA (Installations, Ouvrages, Travaux, Activités) are subject to specific procedures, as they are likely to have an impact on the environment through soil, air and water pollution.

A word from the Chairman and Founder

La situation exceptionnelle que nous vivons depuis près de deux ans a montré la résilience de notre organisation et notre capacité à mettre à profit l'organisation mise en place en 2021. 

Le bilan de l’année 2022 sera certes en dessous de nos attentes en termes de croissance. Mais comme le disait Henri Ford, " les deux choses les plus importantes qui n’apparaissent pas au bilan de l’entreprise, c’est sa réputation et ses hommes ". Or il nous est offert de faire un bilan positif sur l’enthousiasme et l’engagement de chacun au sein de l’entreprise, sur notre capacité à résister et sur notre volonté plus que jamais d'être aux côtés de nos clients.

2023 sera à n’en pas douter l’année qui permettra de relever de nouveaux défis.

Je vous souhaite donc une très belle année 2023, heureuse et inspirante afin que chacune et chacun s’accomplisse pleinement.