Letourneur Conseil > ATTES-TRAVAUX


Compliance of the work carried out with the remediation objectives of ICPEs subject to authorization or registration that have been permanently shut down.

The ATTES TRAVAUX is a document certifying that the rehabilitation work carried out on an ICPE (Installation Classée pour la Protection de l'Environnement) site has been carried out in accordance with the approved plans and current regulations. This attestation testifies that the necessary measures have been taken to restore the site and minimize its environmental and health impact.

The 4 main points to check are

  • compatibility with future use,
  • completion report,
  • compliance with the memorandum or prefectoral decrees or justification of deviations,
  • monitoring and restrictions.

The certificate of works is generally submitted to the relevant authorities as proof that the remediation measures have been carried out correctly. It can be used to obtain authorizations for definitive closure, to certify that the site is ready to be returned to safe future use in compliance with environmental standards, and to meet legal requirements linked to the rehabilitation of an ICPE site.

The ATTES-TRAVAUX guaranteeing that the work carried out complies with the rehabilitation objectives for decommissioned facilities (articles L.512-6-1 and L.512-7-6 of the French Environment Code) must be carried out by a company certified in accordance with the Ministerial Order (AM) of February 9, 2022.

The LNE-certified SSP LETOURNEUR CONSEIL design office is authorized to issue ATTES-TRAVAUX work certificates.