Letourneur Conseil > ATTES-MEMOIRE


Rehabilitation memorandum -The ATTES MEMOIRE is issued chronologically after the ATTES SECUR.

The ATTES MEMOIRE is issued chronologically after the ATTES SECUR. The ATTES MEMOIRE defines the requirements for monitoring, restricting or retaining the memory.

A rehabilitation memorandum in the context of an ICPE (Installation Classée pour la Protection de l'Environnement) site refers to a document detailing the actions and measures to be taken to restore a site after the ICPE ceases activity. The aim of remediation is to restore the site to a condition that minimizes the impact on the environment and public health.

The remediation brief is generally a comprehensive, technical document that describes in detail the various stages of the remediation process. It can include:
  • Site description: A detailed description of the ICPE and the site, including location, topography, types of plant and equipment present, substances used or stored, etc.
  • Pollution assessment: An assessment of potential or actual pollution present on the site, including soil, water and air analyses to detect the presence of contaminants.
  • Remediation plan: A full description of the remediation measures to be implemented, including techniques for cleaning up, dismantling and securing the site.
  • Work schedule: A detailed schedule indicating the planned dates for each stage of remediation.
  • Waste management: A description of the methods for managing waste generated during the remediation process, including appropriate treatment, transport and disposal.
  • Monitoring and control: Plans for monitoring the effectiveness of long-term remediation measures and for ensuring that the site remains in compliance with environmental standards after remediation.
  • Regulatory compliance: Information on how the remediation measures comply with current environmental regulations.
  • Cost and budget: An estimate of the costs associated with the remediation and a provisional budget.

ATTES-MEMOIRE guaranteeing the suitability of the proposed management measures for the rehabilitation of decommissioned facilities (articles L.512-6-1 and L.512-7-6 of the French Environment Code) must be carried out by a company certified in accordance with the French Ministerial Order (AM) of February 9, 2022.

The LNE-certified design office SSP LETOURNEUR CONSEIL is authorized to produce ATTES-MEMOIRE rehabilitation reports.